Hardwood is a natural material and its beauty & prestige cannot be replicated with man-made materials.
To achieve long term durability, Urban Front doors are made with steel reinforcement, an insulation & ventilation system and the interior & exterior faces of the door are handcrafted with 6mm of natural hardwood.
Part of the characteristics of natural hardwoods are:
With proper positioning of your door in relation to sun and rain and with good maintenance your door can preserve its colour and character for years.
Consider large overhangs to minimise maintenance and note that doors fitted within large canopies will probably never - or very infrequently - require maintenance.
Grain variation is part of Urban Front door design, we don’t actively match grain instead we mix a variety of grain in the same wood invariably trying to mix pieces of wood that are different to maintain a natural look.
View the galleries below to learn more about some of the natural variations/looks that may occur.
Originating from the west coast of Africa, iroko is sometimes referred to as African teak given its similarities in appearance and properties (though it is in fact unrelated to teak).
Colour: light yellowish-brown (when freshly cut), evolving to deeper copper brown over time (this colour change will be expedited if an oiled finish is chosen)
Location: suitable for all locations
American black walnut
Fumed oak
All Urban Front doors are given a final sealing/protective coating with either oil or lacquer.
Oil: sinks into the wood and maintains the natural texture. It will slightly deepen the colour of the natural hardwood.
Lacquer: a clear coat of lacquer sits over the wood and gives a mid-sheen appearance. The lacquer (with UV protection) will enrich/deepen the natural wood colouring and enhance grain detail.
Maintenance: may be needed a bit more frequently for oil finishes but is very quick and easy to do. Lacquered finishes need updating less frequently but take a little longer to do. How often maintenance is required is influenced largely by how much exposure and/or protection the door has from the elements and which material (hardwood/painted/metallic) has been chosen.